Tuesday 6 August 2013

An Actual Introduction

It's been over a week now, since Justin Crombie's story came to an end... but the diary has only just begun.

I want to thank you all, for either reading, or giving up, My Life Story! I actually have no idea how I can thank you, so I'll just mention that I will soon be writing a post-diary epilogue, I can't actually think of the word right now, so I'll just say that (Production Notes?).

It won't be written here, but over at the MPire Mall, which is where I started the diary before bringing it over to here. On The Sims 3 forum, someone mentioned that the pictures were resized to 320px, and that I could/should resize them. While that is true, you can click the pictures and view their actual size.

Even though I've said this numerous times to Sims related websites, the people reading this may get a bit annoyed when I'm about to say what I've said the numerous times.

This isn't what I've said, but I just wanted to say, that as I am writing this, I am eating peanut M&Ms. Just throwing that out there. This is literally copied and pasted from my introduction post on The Sims 3 forum. My name on the forum, along with The Sims 3, is Xprentas:

As my About Me says: "My Sims career started when I was in a shop with my parents, as a very young child. I wanted to buy 'House Party', I almost got it until my dad luckily looked on the bottom of the box that read "Expansion Pack". I would've had a Sims game, with no base game."
The 'About Me' actually says 'Hot Date', because of space limitations.

Here's some more 'About Me':

I am a fan of robot combat - don't judge me! I used to watch Robot Wars as a child, along with BattleBots, etc. while growing up. I am so sad, I have a list of my favourite robots, along with matches from Robot Wars - now you can judge me...

Before I embarrass myself with more weird things I like, here're some of my Sims related facts:

- Sims 2 is still the only one in the series I have never played, nor owned. I still intend to buy it.
- I was 7 when I first played The Sims, and STILL play it, to this day - I am not ashamed to admit it.
*- I wrote, and sent a letter to Ask Jeeves when I was 8, about possible future Sims 1 expansion packs. They actually responded to me, which was VERY surprising. I can remember most of the stuff I wrote on the letter, I even wrote the bloody prices of how much they'd cost, hah.

*- The Sims: On the Bus (or something similar) - when the kids go to school, we get to see them at the school - I said in the letter that it should cost £5, hah!
*- The Sims: Jobs - when the Sims go to their careers, we get to see them at their jobs

That's pretty much 'About Me', thank you for reading, if you bothered to, hah. What an embarrassment I am! Thank you!


  1. Don't worry man, everybody has weird things they like. Robot combat, I don't think, is one of them. :)

    Also, gotta love M&Ms.

  2. I remember Robot Wars, I loved that show!!

    1. Did you know that Alan Gribble, leader of the Pussycat team, died on the 1st? Very sad.
